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Parent/Student Resources

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Parent Guidance


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Wyoming State Library

Mental Health Resources for Parents and Students. Please click the following links for more infomation

Care Solace- Connects Students, Staff, and thier families to care (at no cost to you) Regarding Mental Health and Substance Use

If you or a family member are looking for help with mental health or substance use, Care Solace can help you quickly find treatment options matched to your needs regardless of the circumstance. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential service provided to students, staff, and their families by Park County School District #16. Care Solace’s team is available 24/7/365 and can support you in any language.

If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:

  • Call 888-515-0595 available 24/7/365
  • Visit and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone


Care Solace Icon and Link


Parent Guidance- Are you looking for guidance on how to strengthen your parenting skills? Click on the links below


     *Ask a Therapist

     *Parent Coaching



Suicide Prevention Hotline


Talk to someone now

Crisis center

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across the United States. The Lifeline is comprised of a national network of over 180 local crisis centers, combining custom local care and resources with national standards and best practices.


Text HOME to 741741 Free, 24/7 Crisis Counseling

Crisis Text Line is free, 24/7 support for those in crisis. Text 741741 from anywhere in the US to text with a trained Crisis Counselor. Crisis Text Line trains volunteers to support people in crisis.



Teen Resources 

My Life is Worth Living is an animated series about teen mental health produced by Cook Center for Human Connection and Wonder Media. You can download lessons aligned with My Life is Worth Living for the home or classroom at! Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people aged 10 to 24. Every day, 500 people in this age group attempt suicide, and 20 kids die by suicide. My Life is Worth Living tells the stories of teen characters who face some of the most difficult issues that young people deal with today: bullying, depression, abuse, discrimination, and trauma. It shows their evolution in the key decision: that life is worth living. Research shows that connections to friends, family, and community can be the difference between life and death. My Life is Worth Living uses the power of storytelling to create connections and combat loneliness. Our stories break down the stigma of talking about mental health and thoughts of suicide.

My Life is Worth Living



To file a Title IX complaint, please contact our Title IX coordinator, Tammy Schlenker.  She can be contacted by phone at the school at 307-868-2501, or by email





• In a motel or campground, due to the lack of an alternative adequate accommmodation

• In a car, park, abandoned building or bus/train station

• Doubled up with others due to loss of housing or economic hardship

Your school-age children may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Act.

The Title IV Liaison (Homeless Liaison) for Park County School District #16 is Shane Ogden.  If you have any concerns or questions, please call 307-868-2501 or email Mr. ogden directly at Please click HERE for more information.


Student Handbook

Request Access to Power School – To request access  contact our tech department at (307)868-2501 or email

Clubs and Activities:


     Student Council

     Media Club

     National Honor Society



Enrolling in Meeteetse Schools

When enrolling into Park County School District #16 Please be sure to fill out the following forms and return them to the office along with a copy of the student’s birth certificate and social security card.  Click on each link to view the forms or print them. You can do this in person, by fax (307)868-9264, or by emailing them to the secretary at If you have any questions please contact the school at (307) 868-2501.

Nurses Forms

Health Information Form

Screening Permission Form

WYIR Agreement

Enrollment Forms

Records Request (For transferring students)

General Enrollment Form (Must be filled out each year)

Activity Permit

Code of Conduct (for 5th - 12th grades)

Student Computer Internet Acceptable Use Agreement

Online Consent Form

Home Language and Culture Survey

Over 18 Waiver (must be filled out for students that will turn 18 in the current school year prior to graduation)

Bus Policy (ALL Students and Parents must sign)

Student Transportation Bus Assignments Pick-up/Drop Off (Bus Riders Only)

Awareness Statement & Parent/ Coach Relationship Agreement

Free and Reduced Lunch 

2024-2025 School Lunch Prices

Free and Reduced Lunch Application

Free and Reduced Income Guidlines